Nope. Sorry, we are still in the early stages.
We’re not sure. If you’d like to donate a pile of money, that would speed things up.
We hope to be located in Summerdale, AL to start.
We will be a private school for students with autism.
Elementary age students will be accepted into the program first. We will add class/openings as staff and funding allows.
On a case by case basis, yes. There are some conditions that are allied closely enough to Autism to integrate into the program. We hope to be able to take as many as we can, but yes, that will be determined by funding.
Yes, we are! We’d be happy to discuss it with you if you would send us an email at c h a m p i o n s f o r a u t i s m a l (at) g m a i l (dot) com.
We will have music by the wonderful ladies of the Krickets. We will have food from Cafe Acadiana. We will be selling beer donated from the Fairhope Brewing Company. There will be a silent auction. There will be a Sir Prize station since our event falls on April Fool’s day. Offer $5 to Sir Prize and draw a number from the bowl. That number will be on a brown paper bag with your prize in it. What will it be? It’s a surprise!